Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pumpkin Smoothies

This is one of my favorite blogs, and she always has the best recipes!! Here's a great one for Pumpkin Smoothies...YUMMMMMMM


Galatians 6:9-10

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

A Bright Future in the Age of Limits

You have to fight. Life is a fight. A Battle. And you can categorize that as a good or a bad thing, whatever you choose. I see it as both. It is difficult. But we have come to say that all things that are difficult are bad... But is that what we really want? Things that are hard are things that mold our character, that chip away brokenness, that purify of impurities...

I've never really considered myself a go-getter. I'm not sure if it's just something i was never taught, or if it was something i have always feared. Fear failing if i step out. Fear of being criticized if i fail. Fear of succeeding perhaps? Who knows.

I know that I have so much potential. And in all honesty I have plenty of time to achieve so much. But at times i panic, thinking that i can't undo what's been done, or i can't redo what i've done, or i can't start over or start something new. I should have just done that from the beginning. But I LOVE where my path in life has taken me. I have met and fallen in love with so many different types of people.

Life is a crazy balance between achieving and succeeding and earning. You have to have money to survive. Plain and simple. But if that dictates your life, then you're missing the point. It's the people (for me at least) that fill the gaps of the earning and working and doing and achieving that seem to make it all worth while. Meeting and getting to know people is not easy. But when you do, when you establish a connection with someone in any way at all, a fire is started. Deep down in you. A fire burns. And each new person you meet is a fan for the flame. People do leave your life, but they still contributed to the fire, and that will never be extinguished.

I am limited in a way. We are in a recession. I am still only 25. I am building a clientele in a career i love. Ironic, but that's the first time I've ever called what I'm doing a career. From Sunset Stone to Wind & Water Salon and Spa....I do have a career.

The word career (according to the Online Etymology Dictionary....i'm a dork, i know)... is "a running, course"...a path you are on. And according to Dictionary.com, it is "an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework". it is your LIFE. WORK. you spend a lot of time doing it. A lot of effort goes into how you will get there, what you will wear, what you will eat before, during and after, what you do to get people to know what you are doing, other people doing a career so you can do yours. it is so complex. See how it can be limited? And yet, it is still, limitless.

Look for goodness, and be thankful for it. Don't miss all the goodness and beauty and kindness there is for you in this day just because you have a lot of difficult things going on. Beauty is all around. You have a lot to work towards, you'll get where you're going someday. It is so hard right now to be content where God has me. In my Jobs, at my parents, in Colorado, in groups and communities and friends and cars i have. It's hard!!

A lot of the time i want to cry, but not a helpless cry, but a stress relieving, this is not the end of the world kind of cry. I'm in a difficult place, but i know that it's for a purpose, that i'm going somewhere, that all the things i'm worrying about now will be solved in a few years and i will have new worries. Live is transient. I have a bright future. And only i can get me there.

You name your own limits. You change your own limits. You name your future, and you decide if it is bright or not. I believe we all have a bright future. And future on this earth really is bright, you just have to choose how you will be able to see it as bright.

Me and My Keens

Oh the places you'll go...

Oh the places we've been...me and my keens.

I was boarding a plane to Boston to visit my brother for the first time and I realized that my Keens and I have been around the block together.  They went with me and in a way protected me and encouraged me and strengthened me.

We started out at Eagle Lake together...playing the greatest games of capture the flag i have ever participated in, hiking to the most beautiful views, trapsing around in the dark...you know, camp-y things.

Then we worked for a horticulture company...pulling weeds, watering trees and shrubs and flowers, overturn dirt, touching the earth, breaking it under my feet and in my hands.

THEN...we went to Chile. For YWAM.  We went swimming together, more hiking, work duty, evangelism, and cleaned up after the great earthquake.  Covered in sewage, and mucky ocean water, and dirt and sand and even poo...oh me and my shoes.

More hikes, more walking.  We hiked the Freedom Trail together, seeking out the destinations of where my country began and started its movement towards independence.

It's a unique way to view your shoes as a companion.  But i love them.  They are well worn which is just another way of saying well loved.

Me and My Keens.